Experience and
intimately know God.

Join us every Sunday
at 12 PM & Wed at 8 PM

Falling more in LOVE with the only GOD that can be EXPERIENCED & intimately KNOWN; leading others to do the same.

Welcome to
Throne Room LA

God called us to LA in 2018 to lift up a culture of worship and evangelism. With over 15 years of experience, we’ve been deeply involved in leadership roles within the realm of evangelism and pastoral ministry.

We have a vision to equip and inspire believers to learn how to live a lifestyle of encountering God’s presence deeply on a regular basis, along with being empowered to walk in the gifts of the Holy Spirit in winning souls. We believe there is a cry in the heart of God calling His people back to a place of deeply knowing Him and walking in the freedom of holiness.

Our Mission Statement

To know Him

Our greatest passion and conviction is to empower all to experience God in an intimate and undeniable way, leading to a lifestyle of encounters, transformation, and growth.


Growing in Christlike character, leading all to discover the joy and ease of walking in the power of the Holy Spirit with full confidence in their identity as a son and daughter of God; understanding the inheritance they have in Christ.


Empowering all in their specific God-given purposes to manifest His presence and power through the prophetic, miracles, signs, wonders, and deliverance in and outside the four walls of the church.

Resources to
help you grow
closer to God.

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A community that
gathers to encounter
God and reach the lost

You will experience God and intimately know Him. We gather every week on Wednesday 8:00 pm and Sundays at 12:00 pm. We hope that you can join us, please make sure you approach us as we’d love to connect with you. 


Throne Room LA


The science is clear: climate change is the most serious threat facing our planet today. Be a part of the solution—join our efforts to demand action from U.S. leaders, and determine your own carbon footprint and commit to lowering your impact.
